こんなくだらない理由でPUNKとSEX PISTOLSと出会ってしまう事に(笑
今はSOCIAL PORKSってオジさん2人組でサーフ&スラッシュなバンドやってます!それとSIBAFÜとEGG CONDITIONってバンドもやってます!
I’m naitin, born in 1967, living and working in Nagoya.
I loved YMO and movie soundtracks in elementary school. Around the time I moved up to junior high in the spring of 1980, the word “sex” caught my attention somewhere, and that’s the stupid reason I ended up discovering the Sex Pistols and punk in general, LOL.
Around then I became obsessed with bands that were a little bit “off” (sorry!), like Anarchy, RC, and Yokohama Ginbae... and my twisted life started from that point, LOL.
But the most important discovery for me was DISCHARGE. The second I heard them, shivers went up and down my spine - it was amazing! Just a totally new kind of music. I was all about speed & noise from that day on! Before I knew it I was hooked on faster and faster sounds!
Some people think punk rock gets boring quickly, but it’s actually really deep -- I still listen to punk about 90% of the time, haha.
Aside from that, I love beating the hell out of the drums like a caveman who just got his first pair of sticks! I don’t care about technique -- the more annoyed people look, the more fun I have, LOL. Right now I’m in a surf & thrash band called SOCIAL PORKS with one other old geezer. I’m also in two other bands, SIBAFÜ and EGG CONDITION!
Oh, and I almost forgot about my illustrations! I draw jackets, flyers, and things like that with ballpoint pens -- I don’t know the first thing about computers, so I’m constantly going back and forth to convenience stores, making copies, and cutting and pasting everything together. They’re messy pictures with no technique but I have a ton of fun drawing them!
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